Monday, April 16, 2007

I am ashamed of myself.

Two weeks without a post! This is surely not in the spirit of pursuing new interests. Sadly, I was pursuing old interests, by which I mean stuff I'm not really interested in at all, by which I mean studying. Ugh. BUT, I've also done a decent amount of knitting (for me) and am almost done with my Shedir AND the scarf for my mom. Unfortunately, the Shedir turned out kind of huge (I swear I checked my gauge...I think? Once?). I'm going to try to shrink it, but I think in the end I'm just going to have to find someone with a huge head to give it too, and then make something smaller to give away.

Ooh, but on the knitted donation front, A Good Yarn in Brookline is going a hat drive for Dana Farber, so I don't have to find someplace to give whatever I make--they'll do it for me! Perfect. When I have something to give, because like I said, barring a shrinkage miracle, that Shedir isn't going anywhere. Happily, I got enough of the light blue Calmer to make another, and I've learned from my first one. Excellent.

For new projects, I've decided to knit myself the Retro Redux Shrug from Lace Style to wear to Rick and Monica's wedding with the dress I got for Easter. Assuming my mother gets it dry cleaned successfully...I should look into that. Anyway, I want to knit it in a whitish or cream colored yarn, and I don't want to use the recommended yarn (I think it's CE Allure), because the yarn would cost like $100. SO, the quest for the perfect yarn has begun. I tried some All Seasons Cotton, but I thought the result was way too ropey on the brioche lace pattern, even though the gauge was right. I tried some DK cashmere blend I had lying around, and liked it pretty well, but the gauge was a little off. So, I went yesterday to Woolcott, and got another recommendation--Classic Elite Lush, which is apparently Allure without the cashmere. Sold! I'm knitting up a sample now, but I'm going to go for it, I think.

Hmm, I think all of that would have been more interesting with some photos. Maybe next time. Yes, next time we'll go for more photos. My camera hasn't gone missing again yet, so this shouldn't be too hard.

In non-knitting-related news, one of my cats just ate half of a kind of big rubber band. Uh oh. Now, I don't know who it was (thought I suspect Mary Kate), so I don't really know what I can do. Plan of action: call the mother, and if she says too, call the vet. I wonder if you're supposed to worry if your kid eats string type things, or it's just something unique to kitty GI anatomy. And I wonder who could even answer such a question for me... Also, I've become convinced that my couch is not going to fit into my new home. Where ever it is. This has been making me very sad, and also realize how much I love this couch. There's another photo to put up next time. Well, I guess it's probably a better idea to wait for where I'm moving, and then make very careful measurements to determine the couch's fate. Sob. Okay, getting emotional about the couch means it's time for bed. Night night!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Dude. You cannot get rid of the couch! Where will people (read: I) sleep when they (read: I) come over for a visit?

Your paragraphs on knitting seem like another language to me. The knitting world seems like a terrifyingly complex world that is impossible to comprehend. Much like neuro.