Monday, April 2, 2007

The answer: not very long

Truth be told, I'm kind of disappointed with how quickly I lost the blog fever. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a crazy many times a day blogger, but almost a the first week? Perhaps blogging is not my destiny...

In my defense, I have an excuse! See, I wanted to take some pictures for the blog (you know, knitting, bedspread, etc.), so I did, but then I couldn't find my camera cable to upload the pictures, and then I got busy. THEN, today, in a fit of blogging inspiration, I found the cable, but obviously now can't find the camera. I remember using it yesterday to photograph some kitten cuteness (cuddling, so cute!), and then I remember putting it down somewhere stupid. You know, like when you say to yourself "Oh man, if I put this camera down here I won't be able to find it for three days," but then you do it anyway? Yeah, that's what I did. If you know anything about me and my space, you know this was a bad idea.

Seriously, I've looked everywhere. The study, in the bed, even in the snack drawer. Nothing. (I did find some Lorna Doones 100 calorie packs I forgot I had, so I guess it wasn't a total loss. Mmm, Lorna Doones...) So, no pictures it is. Argh. I was so upset by this situation that I just got up to look for it again, so no avail. I need to move on. Ooh, maybe doing this post sans-camera will be like going to the restroom in a restaurant when you're waiting for your food to come makes it some faster. (And so I'll find my camera when I'm done, if you didn't follow my vague logic.)

If I DID have photo capabilities right now, I'd be displaying my two most recent works in progress, both of which are almost done. There's a Shedir hat, my first potential charity knitting project (ooh, I should do a post sometime about this annoying thread about charity knitting I read on someone else's blog, but that's another idea for another day), and a lace scarf. Both of these are from, revealing my new found obsession with their patterns. With that and all the books I've been buying lately (Lace Style from Interweave? Love it!), I have no idea what to do next.

Ooh, plus, if I had my camera, you could see my new bedspread. Grrr, again, this is too frustrating. Oh well, here's hoping the posting trick works and it turns up!

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