Monday, March 26, 2007

My first post!!!

Okay, so in an effort to busy myself and create a new post-break up life (and, let's be honest, to avoid studying for the boards and everything else I'm supposed to be studying for--kidneys, why are you so boring???), I've decided to rededicate myself to knitting. With this dedication, I've also discovered the online knitting world. And it seems to me that every knitter has a blog. So I've decided to get one too. I've already got the cats, so might as well take the next step, right? My hope is that having a knitting blog will inspire me to actually finish projects that don't have a specific deadline (i.e. things for myself). We'll see, I have quite the collection of UFOs.

Also, I have realized that the title of my blog makes it seem like I make money knitting--you know, like how Izzy on Grey's Anatomy sexy modeled herself through med school--when in fact, this could not be further from the truth. BUT, while knitting does not make me money (and is instead a fabulously deep money sink, but I don't like to think about it that way), I do find I'm most successful at actually going to lecture and sort of paying attention when I make a deal with myself and say I can knit during class. Sure, I get some dirty looks. And the day I sat in like the third row and knitted right in front of the lectureer (semi-famous cardiologist who wrote our textbook) was probably not my greatest. But any day that I'm in lecture and not on my computer on the facebook is a little triumph. So hurray for knitting my way through med school!

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