Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's kitten time!

I almost just started this post with "Okay," but then I remembered that my last two (i.e. only two) other posts started with okay, so I'm going to have to be careful about that. Anyway, I was talking to Sue today (shout out to first ever blog commenter, woot woot!), and she seemed perplexed about the idea of a mostly knitting blog. I think it's because she (and let's be honest, this is true of most people who read this) doesn't really care about my knitting. Entirely understandable. But, because this is a very public blog (any of my students out there?), the straight poop about my personal life will have to be saved for non-blog communication. That said, if you know me, you know I've got a big mouth and like to talk about myself and my problems (duh), so needless to say there will definitely be some sharing of the straight poop, probably unconvincingly shrouded in vague language.

Speaking of which, as I was looking through my camera for pictures of the kittens to share, I came across tragic photographic evidence of my past. Oh man, perfect iTune just came on to accompany this part of the post--"I've been cheated, been mistreated, when will I be loved?"--sing it, Linda! Wow, I never realized what a rocking cowbell part this song has. Anyway, I digress. I valiantly plowed through the pain (okay, I'm being melodramatic, it wasn't too too horribly awful, which I count as progress) to bring you, my adoring public...more kitten photos! Diana, these crazy toes are for you:

Yes, that is marshmallow fluff on her nose. No, I was not responsible. Next!

Cute overload, no? I just love when she sleeps in places not meant for kitty sleeping. And finally, the group shot:

Wow, that photo of my old boring comforter really reminds me how much I love my new bedding! Which was definitely one of the best things to come out of the break-up, because I tried to get Jay's approval to get it before and he vetoed it, when really it is fabulous and not very girly at all. Hmm, I think relationship-related digressions means it's time for bed. Ooh, but idea to get out first, maybe I'll use the duvet as a backdrop for the photos of my current works in progress so you can see what I'm talking about! Excellent idea, plus publicizing my projects puts pressure on to actually FINISH them. Good night!

Monday, March 26, 2007

But I'm not sleepy...

Okay, so when I was little, whenever I'd be up late and my parents would try to get me to go to sleep, I would say "But I'm not sleepy," you know, with the sleeee-peeey part plaintively drawn out. Anyway, tonight I find that in spite of the fact that I need to be in class in like 8 hours, the combination of this weekend's red eye and the exhilaration of the new blog (okay, it's probably mostly the time change) is keeping me up. And so I give you photos of past knitting projects! (This is supposed to be a knitting blog, right?) Looking for said photos has made me realize that I'm woefully bad at photographing things before sending them off to their new homes (we've already discussed that I'm also woefully bad at finishing projects for myself and even my immediate family members, so it's not like there are too many things finished lying around the house), so the photos are few and far between. To make up for that, they are fabulously cute. Both these projects came out of my "bunnies for babies" phase last year. First, knitted bunny from Last Minute Knitted Gifts (one of my favorite books...ever). You have to turn your head (or your computer)--sorry, I'm new at this:

My sister (right now maybe the only person who knows I have a blog--Hi Laura!) wants one too, or at least she did last year when I was knitting this on our vacation. I should probably get on that... Now, onto the bunny baby hat from SnB Nation, modeled by its ridiculously cute owner:

Precious!! And with that, my knitting photo library is spent. Pathetic. But only more inspiration to both finish and photograph more projects. Now, must go to bed...

My first post!!!

Okay, so in an effort to busy myself and create a new post-break up life (and, let's be honest, to avoid studying for the boards and everything else I'm supposed to be studying for--kidneys, why are you so boring???), I've decided to rededicate myself to knitting. With this dedication, I've also discovered the online knitting world. And it seems to me that every knitter has a blog. So I've decided to get one too. I've already got the cats, so might as well take the next step, right? My hope is that having a knitting blog will inspire me to actually finish projects that don't have a specific deadline (i.e. things for myself). We'll see, I have quite the collection of UFOs.

Also, I have realized that the title of my blog makes it seem like I make money knitting--you know, like how Izzy on Grey's Anatomy sexy modeled herself through med school--when in fact, this could not be further from the truth. BUT, while knitting does not make me money (and is instead a fabulously deep money sink, but I don't like to think about it that way), I do find I'm most successful at actually going to lecture and sort of paying attention when I make a deal with myself and say I can knit during class. Sure, I get some dirty looks. And the day I sat in like the third row and knitted right in front of the lectureer (semi-famous cardiologist who wrote our textbook) was probably not my greatest. But any day that I'm in lecture and not on my computer on the facebook is a little triumph. So hurray for knitting my way through med school!