Besides, I suppose I should blame myself for not saving. Actually, I probably shouldn't think about it too much, or I might start to grr and argh again. But, I do see that NOW blogger saves your drafts automatically. So I suspect this was not a problem just for me, and I've decided to keep blaming blogger. So there.
Now, I suppose I could continue to blame my blogging hiatus on my uncontrollable rage, but really, I've just been trying not to distract myself from studying. Which I'm doing right now. And, if I'm honest with myself, I find PLENTY of ways to distract myself without writing on my blog (electronic handheld Yahtzee in the bathroom, anyone?), so I might as well spend some of that time communicating with my public. Sue, this one's for you!
So, life updates, then do the knitting stuff (with the much touted photos). First, the basically good news. Even though I will be living in the room of very small door fame starting in July, I've decided that I can cope with the couch crisis. Sue, you'll be happy to know that there are people (some might call them "upholsterers") who can actually take your couch apart and put it back together IN your apartment if it won't fit through the door. Thank you, for opening my eyes to this wonderful possibility!!! Now, it's not like this service is free, and it's not like the couch wouldn't have to be taken back apart to get it out the door when I move, AND it's not even like I positive the couch won't fit through the door. Though I've done some more precise measurements, involving multiple straight-edges and bisecting things, and it seems like it probably won't. But no matter, this couch disassembly realization has at least somewhat reduced my panic about moving. And that is a good thing.
Second, the more blah news. The boards. After all, this claims to be the blog of a med student, and this is what all the med students (at least the 2nd year ones) are talking about these days. Initially, my test date was today. Then I freaked out about how I didn't want my personal issues to mean I didn't work up to my true potential on the test, and decided to push things back as late as possible. For me, because of travel arrangements and commencement festivities (can't imagine I'll be feeling very festive myself, but oh well) the absolute latest I could take the test is June 6. And so that's when I'm doing it. In Worcester, no less. Now, with a little more time, I'm still feeling like I'm not going to do as well as I would like (perhaps that has more to do with not working so much during the first to years of medical school than anything else, though), but I know I'll do fine, and everything will work out. Plus, imagine how much I can learn in 5 full days! Look at that enthusiasm! (What I'm really thinking: Boo, I just want to go see Knocked Up and watch HGTV. Studying sucks.)
Now, a few knitting related updates. (Sidenote: I should probably somehow get linked into the online knitting world if I'm going to keep this as a knitting blog. Like join a knit-a-long or blog ring or something. Because now I don't think any knitters read it, because I don't think any of my friends are knitters. Something to get on. Word.) First, I finished the scarf for my mother. I realize that the picture below doesn't really look any different from the picture I took of it when it was just a wee little beginning of a scarf, but I promise this is now like 5 ft. long and pretty nice, if I do say so myself. I've also realized this is like the first scarf I've ever finished, because usually I get too bored and quit. I'm quite please with myself. Behold:
And, that's about the only picture you're going to get this time, because I've finished other projects (namely, the shrug I'm planning on wearing to TWO weddings tomorrow--busy day--and my first sock!), but my camera has 1) forgotten the date, so I need to figure out how to reset that before connecting it back to my computer to upload my new photos and 2) lost its computer connector cable, once again. Okay, maybe that was me that did the losing. But either way, the new shrug and sock photos are not making it up until they make it onto my computer, and that might not happen for a while. Actually, if history is any teacher, now that I know that the cable is missing, I'll be come obsessed with the need to find it, and won't study effectively until I do. So maybe we'll get some picutres sooner rather than later.
Finally, on the cat lady front, I went out and bought the girls a cat fountain. What's a cat fountain, you ask? Happily for you, I'm pasting in a picture of it below. Yes, that's the Deluxe model. Only the best.
I'm trying to butter them up, I think, in preparation for my departure. I realized the other day that I'm going to miss their birthday (June 16) while I'm gone. Gasp! I'm such a bad kitten mommy. Now, I also realize that I just made this birthday up based on how old the vet estimated they were when I took them in for their first check up, which means I could just move it to a day when we'll actually all be together (oh my god, I'm so insane!!!). But somehow that just feels wrong. I'll keep you posted.
Oh my god again, I also have found my knitting blog soulmate. It's Crazy Aunt Purl ( She's a very popular lady, so I can't imagine I'm alone in this sentiment, but still, I feel like we have so much in common, though everything that's happened to her lately is like twice what's happened to me. Perhaps I'll expound on this theory soon. For the timebeing, I suppose I should just publish this and get back to work. Woo hoo studying!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
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